Full Diagnostic Dyslexia Assessments and Screenings
Ages 7-18
Private Mainstream and Specialist Dyslexia Tuition
Ages 7-16

I obtained a Masters in Specific Learning Difficulties/Dyslexia from Bath Spa University (Oct 2019). My final dissertation was based on 'The purpose and outcome of Dyslexia Assessments from the perspective of parents.'
I hold both AMBDA (Accredited Member of the British Dyslexia Association) and APC (Assessing Practitioner Certificate) through the British Dyslexia Association.
Previously, I completed my Bachelor's Degree at the University of the West of England and gained a First-Class Honours Degree in 'Studies in Education'. I completed several work placements at local Primary and Pre-School settings. I wrote dissertations on the impact of Modelled Writing Approaches on Independent Learning, the Impact of the English Orthography on Spelling and Teaching Modern Foreign Languages to Children who have Dyslexia.
I have been running my own tutoring business since 2011. I really enjoy the rewards of working with children on a 1-1 and seeing the progress made. Often this provides the skills and confidence necessary for children to successfully access their mainstream learning.